In meinem Job habe ich mit 5 Trilliarden Abkürzungen zu tun, die vielfach überladen sind. Ist manchmal cool, weil man so die Zugehörigkeit zur fachspezifischen Abkürzungs-Elite zeigen kann, oft aber einfach zu viel. Wenn nur mehr in Abkürzungen gesprochen UND geschrieben wird, wenn Namen nur mehr MF, AO, CP, SB und so weiter sind, dann hört sich bei der Spaß fast auf.
Kleines Beispiel. SDA.
SDA Seventh-day Adventist (church)
SDA Sex Discrimination Act (UK – Law)
SDA Schweizerische Depeschenagentur (Swiss National News Agency)
SDA Soap and Detergent Association
SDA Survey Documentation and Analysis
SDA Service Delivery Area
SDA Singapore Democratic Alliance
SDA Scuola Di Direzione Aziendale (Graduate Business School of Bocconi University, Milan, Italy)
SDA Strand Displacement Amplification
SDA Screen Design Aid
SDA State Drug Administration (China)
SDA Service Delivery Agreement (UK)
SDA Sélection Directe à l’Arrivée (French; telecommunications)
SDA Surface Design Association
SDA Signore Degli Anelli
SDA Shop, Distributive and Allied Employees Association (Australia)
SDA Software Development Asset
SDA Static Data Authentication
SDA Specific Dynamic Action
SDA Student Dietetic Association
SDA Society of Design Administration
SDA Self Decrypting Archive
SDA Source Data Automation
SDA Spatial Data Analysis
SDA Specially Denatured Alcohol
SDA Scottish Development Agency
SDA Sialodacryoadenitis
SDA Severe Disability Allowance (UK)
SDA Spray Dryer Absorber
SDA System Display Architecture
SDA Software Design Automation
SDA Software Disk Array
SDA Special Duty Assignment
SDA Stealth Digital Analyzer
SDA Samba de Amigo (game)
SDA Stranka Demokratske Akcije Hrvatske (Party of Democratic Action of Croatia)
SDA Standard Default Assumption
SDA Single Direct Attack
SDA Scalable Disk Array
SDA Saint Dominic Academy (Jersey City, New Jersey)
SDA Self-Directed IRA
SDA Staff Duty Analysis (Civil Air Patrol)
SDA Scottish Dairy Association
SDA System Design Alternative
SDA Spectral Domain Analysis
SDA Southern Domestic Airspace
SDA Steepest Descent Algorithm
SDA Security Domain Authority
SDA Static Dissipater Additive (fuels)
SDA System Design Analysis
SDA Shaolin-Do Association
SDA Shift & Disturbance Allowance (obsolete)
SDA Saboraud Dextrose Agar (fungal media)
SDA Software Design Activity
SDA Some Dumb Ass
SDA Simple Direct Attack
SDA Scottish Draughts Association
SDA Senseless Desire to Acquire
SDA Siemens Domestic Appliances
SDA Small Departments and Agencies
SDA System Design Architecture
SDA Baghdad-Saddam International Airport
SDA Specific Dynamic Activity
SDA Strategic Dialogues & Alliances
SDA Subsea Distribution Assembly
SDA Shanghai Drug Administration
SDA Short Dipole Antenna
SDA Stepper Dispatch Algorithm (scheduling rule)
SDA Ship Design Agent
SDA Service Delivery Application (Sprint)
SDA Signal Diagnostic Agent
SDA Serial Digital to Analogue
SDA Solar Diffuser Assembly
SDA Strategic Defense Architecture
SDA Single Digit Adapter (telecommunications)
SDA Soledad Assassins (Unreal gaming clan)
SDA Structural Damage Assessor (insurance)
SDA Ship’s Destination Authority
SDA Speed Disable Adjustment
SDA Setoff Debt Act
SDA Steam Driven Alternator
SDA Standish Development Association (Standish, Michigan)
SDA Spark Discharge in Air (excitation used in optical emission spectrometry)
SDA Symbolic Device Address
SDA System Dependability Analysis
SDA Baghdad, Iraq-Saddam International Airport (Airport Code)
SDA Software Development Agreement
SDA Serial Data Line
SDA Serial Data and Address
SDA Software Distribution Network Archive
SDA Sgml Document Access
SDA Self Decrypting Archives
SDA Software Delivery Agent
Klar was ich meine? Allein für meinen Bereich (IT) gibt es zig verschiedene Interpretationsmöglichkeiten. Nun die Frage: ist das nur im IT Bereich so verückt, oder haben damit andere auch noch so ihren Spaß?